Monarch Award

Quarterly Recognition of Excellence

Award Eligibility

All full-time and part-time employees of the Connecticut Media Group are eligible.

Award Criteria

This award recognizes extraordinary performance that goes above and beyond the normal course of daily work and supports our core business goals to grow revenue, increase audience, and gain operating efficiencies. Recognition could be for a single special accomplishment, or steady performance that exceeds that of peers in the department over a length of time in support of our business goals.

In addition, award nominees should ideally display traits that establish them as role models for excellence within their own departments. These traits include, but are not limited to, positive attitude, strong work ethic, dedication to excellence and integrity.

Selection Process

Six employees will be recognized each quarter. Managers will be asked to submit a written recommendation to their department head and human resources. In addition, a group-wide email notice will be distributed as a reminder to employees who want to submit recommendations. Employee recommendations will require concurrence from the nominated employee's manager to be accepted.

The recommendations will be reviewed by all managers in the department of the nominated employee. Each department's nominations will be forwarded to the Monarch Awards committee for review and recommendations to the Executive Committee.


Awards will be presented at quarterly Town Hall meetings. Each honoree will receive a $500 award and a plaque recognizing their achievement from the Group Publisher. Awards for team/multi-person recognition will be determined by the Executive Committee.

Photos of the quarterly winners will be displayed in the lobby of their respective building and their names will be engraved and mounted on the display queue.