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YOUR SEARCH:  obama  
61 matches - Sort by: Relevance | DateSearch Tips 

  Obama Inaugural Poster
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  Barack Obama Merchandise
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  Obama's changing the future of black youths (89%)
01/25/2009 - Educators say young people need adult role models who look like them to inspire them and help shape their goals and character.   similar results


  Go Hawaiian like Obama? Yes you can (81%)
01/20/2009 - You voted for Obama. You embraced change for Obama. Now eat like Obama. Here, a brief guide to why the president-elect and his fellow Hawaiians love Spam, how to fake a Hawaiian dish that you're not really going to cook, where to buy the...   similar results

By Cheryl Truman McClatchy Newspapers

  Text of President Barack Obama's inaugural address (79%)
01/20/2009 - WASHINGTON - Text of President Barack Obama's inaugural address on Tuesday, as prepared for delivery and released by the Presidential Inaugural Committee.   similar results

By Barack Obama President of the United States of America

  Obama's changing the future of black youths (77%)
01/23/2009 - Educators say young people need adult role models who look like them to inspire them and help shape their goals and character.   similar results

By Eileen FitzGerald Staff Writer

  Obama appeals for 'hope over fear' in address (77%)
01/20/2009 - WASHINGTON - Stepping into history as America's first black president, Barack Hussein Obama said in his inaugural address Tuesday that the nation must choose "hope over fear, unity of purpose over conflict and discord...   similar results

By Terrence Hunt The Associated Press

  WestConn celebrates Obama inaugural (77%)
01/20/2009 - DANBURY -- Before Barack Obama spoke Tuesday, before he took the oath of office, he walked out into the winter sunshine on the steps of the U.S. Capitol...   similar results

By Robert Miller Staff Writer

  'Obama will set the trend" (77%)
01/21/2009 - As you read this, it's several days into the Barack Obama administration. Likely already, skeptics are emerging from the woodwork. Yet all the naysayers' criticism can't detract from what we have witnessed and experienced this week and for the past many months.   similar results


  President Obama: A challenge to all Americans in 'this winter of our hardship' (77%)
01/20/2009 - Tuesday, as he took the oath of office, Barack Obama put his hand on the Bible used by Abraham Lincoln at his inauguration in 1861. It was the completion of one remarkable journey and the start of another.   similar results

  Danbury High students cheer as Obama is inaugurated (77%)
01/20/2009 - ...excitement was palpable as students filled the auditorium at Danbury High School on Tuesday to watch Barack Obama's inauguration. "Obama. Obama," students chanted. As Obama's image came on the screen, a cheer went up in the room. "I'm waiting...   similar results


  Your turn to speak out (76%)
01/21/2009 - Your turn People were asked on Inauguration Day: What are your hopes for the Obama administration? All were New Milford residents. ------------ Reported by Lynda Wellman, photography by Norm Cummings   similar results



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