Picture yourself on our cover!

HealthyLife magazine
is searching for its
2013 cover models.

Would you like
to be one of them?

Tell us in an essay of 100 words or
less how you live YOUR healthy life
and you could be chosen.

Geared toward women ages 35-54, healthylife is all about you and the health-related topics that aff ect you. From exercise to de-stressing, nutrition to self-fulfi llment, HealthyLife addresses women’s health from the perspectives of body, mind and spirit, helping to enhance each area of life. Stories look at disease prevention with traditional medical information as well as holistic health options, and are local and relevant to women who live and work in Fairfield County or Greater Fairfield County.

Are you picturing yourself on the cover yet?
If so, submit us your essay below along with a headshot and a photo of you in an activity that helps keep you healthy, if possible. Entries can be submitted online from September 10 through September 28 at midnight. Finalists will be notified by October 5 and must be available for a trial photo shoot on either Oct 16 in Danbury or October 18 in Bridgeport.
