Summer sale is here
The Heat in the Heat Sale is here.
Start your fireplace project now and save up to $200.

Transform your old fireplace with a beautiful insert.
Get the additional heat from your newly updated fireplace when you need it.
The best opportunity is now to add a stove to your home.
Get your project done now, so you have it when you need it.
Also, save up to $200.
Did you know that wood and pellet units also qualify for the 26% tax credit?
That is a big savings.

Give your fireplace a new look with glass doors.
Choose everything from the finish, to the handles to get the look you've dreamed of.
You will love the difference it makes.
Get inspiring ideas for transforming your home into a summer retreat, inside and out.
With ideas for seasonal accents and easy updates, our summer decorating ideas will give your home a bright and sunny look you'll love.
182 S. Main Street  Newtown  (203) 426-1230
99 Danbury Road   New Milford  (860) 799-7917