View the results in the database below

  • The information in the database for each candidate can be edited by clicking the edit link on the right, making the necessary changes and then clicking modify to save your changes. On election night, to add vote totals for each candidate, click the modify button to make the vote field editable, add the number of votes and save the entry. As soon as you save the entry, the results will be live on the website.

  • Online Database by Caspio
    Click here to load this Caspio Online Database.

    View the results in the database below

  • You can use the form below to add a new candidate to the database. Fill out all the sections, and when you submit the form, the candidate will be added. Then check the town you submitted the candidate to to make sure the candidate was inserted correctly. If not, delete the info and enter it again

  • Online Database by Caspio
    Click here to load this Caspio Online Database.