State of Connecticut
Special Tax Obligation Bonds
Transportation Infrastructure Purposes, 2013 Series A

Retail Order Period*
October 29, 2013

Delivery Date*
November 21, 2013

Institutional Pricing*
October 30, 2013

Expected Tax Status*
Interest is double tax-exempt for Connecticut residents**

Honorable Denise L. Nappier
Treasurer of the State of Connecticut

Further information on these Bonds, including copies of the Preliminary Official Statement, can be obtained online at:

or by calling 877-552-8266
or by
clicking here


Preliminary, subject to change.
Before purchasing any Bonds, contact your tax advisor to determine any applicable federal, state and local tax consequences.
This ad is not an offer to sell nor a solicitation of an offer to buy bonds. Bonds may only be purchased through a broker and through
an Official Statement.